Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Giving Arch / Manjaro a Shot

So I first heard about Arch while I was having some dependency problems with a Debian based distribution.  From all accounts it sounded like Arch was the only distro that had the packed in question working properly, (I don't remember the package name or what it was for) which intrigued me.

Moreover, it seemed like Arch had a lot of the same advantages of Gentoo, but was more user focused, and from what I can tell the documentation was better as well.  Further, the claim to adhere to principal of simplicity, as well as the way they've build upon and re-instituted the apt-packgage manager made me feel it was worth trying.

Unfortunately, the text based installer leaves you without a X window system, and configuring that is no easy task.  After days of tying to force arch onto my desktop I finally gave up on it. 

Recently, however, I heard of Manjaro Linux.  Which esentially is an installer script for Arch that leaves you with an XFCE or OpenBox desktop.  The process, while not perfect, was far easier, and if I can work out a coupple bugs, I may decide to start using Arch full-time.

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